Monday, September 30, 2019

Comparison Between the Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You Essay

In the movie â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You†, there are a lot of similarities to â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† by William Shakespeare. For example, most of the similarities have to do with power relationships, courtship and dating, and sisters. The main characters in both the writing and movie have the same personalities. Bianca is played as the perfect innocent teenager and Kate is portrayed as a spiteful, bad tempered person. Also, their father is still very strict. As one would think, the themes between these two pieces are very alike as well. The theme of many people wanting to all date the same person relates to both of these pieces. For example, in the movie the two boys are fighting over who gets Bianca, just like in Shakespeare’s writing. Both of the plots have the same general idea too. They are both about a younger sister forbidden to date/marry before the cruel older sister does so. Both stories have similarities and differences in plot, theme and characters. Bianca and Kate are sisters who face sibling rivalry between each other. It is more apparent in the movie of â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You† that Kate is resentful towards Bianca for being favored by their father. It is obvious to her that Bianca is appreciated more than her. One of the most noticeable power relationships is between Batista and his daughters Kate and Bianca. This is because he makes it very clear that Bianca isn’t allowed to marry until Kate is married, but in the movie they are only allowed to date. Also, Bianca knows that her father compares her to Kate when he says that she is not allowed to date until Kate does first. A different type of relationship shown in these stories is deception. The female ideas on courtship/dating in this movie is very different from in Shakespeare’s writing. For example, in the modern movie it is more common to date and isn’t so serious as in the writing of â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† because they ordinarily get married young. Shakespeare made the writing of â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† universal so that any audience can understand it and enabled it to be made into a modern film. Although there are many similarities there had to be different changes made so that the movie would appeal to people nowadays. Something that was stressed more in the modern movie was the dishonesty and deception with who Kate was dating/marrying. In the movie, her date was paid to take her out and she eventually found out the truth and was very upset but in the story written by Shakespeare, she did not figure it out and lived happily ever after. It is more common for modern viewers to relate to the betrayal and it was expected more because of the circumstances. Overall, â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† and â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You† are very similar and bring back an old tale with a modern twist that everyone can relate to.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Is Advertising Good for the Economy Essay

Nowadays, in business world, advertising is considered a powerful tool for competition. Consumers can get useful information from advertisements and can choose products which best suits them according to their needs. Advertising play a significant role in the US economy it assists American economy to function smoothly. Furthermore, it keeps prices low and helps the entry of new organizations in domestic and global market depends on the organization’s business. Advertising especially in the US, is considered as an economic work horse which has performed colossal feats with little credit. However, the work horse often pocks his nose in places where he is not supposed to. Unfortunately, according to O’Connor, â€Å"Unless product meanings change in the populations, advertisers continue to associate the same values with the same products†. (O’Connor, 1996) At present, the US market has become a highly mobile consumer-centric society. In this speedy market everyday millions of dollars exchange through internet and by other sources. The American economy has been conquered by retail and service business industry, and in both industries ads play a fundamental role in boosting their products and services demand. In this regard, any retailing or service business industry if desired to get succeed, both must advertise their product for consumers about product quality, cost and some useful information. In this context, outdoor signs have experienced as the most rapid communicative and cost effective tool. In the year 2004, the economy of Missouri generated approximately 108 billions dollars. According to a research conducted by Davidson revealed the facts that in the year 2004, the aggregate economic activity produced by ads, which includes direct expenditure, goods provider spending and inter-organization activity generated approximately twenty percent of the nation’s 548 billion dollar economic activity and also provided around 429,700 jobs, or fifteen percent of the nation’s workforce of 2. 9 million. Interestingly, the study also showed that the total income earned from the advertising industry was about 108 billion dollars that had a direct link with 54 billion dollars sale. In the same year, around 429,654 individuals got jobs through advertising and positively affected Missouri’s economy in a healthy way. Moreover, 94257, jobs were generated in sales department in various organizations which was the outcome of excessive adverting in all sorts of media. Furthermore, the idea of outdoor signs in America gained so much popularity and in this regard both sate and federal state declared signage as a secure, fast and easy way for advertisement. The study also disclosed that the ads simulated additional buys by providing significant and useful information to a wide range of consumers in the household and businesses, which was also a crucial factor in the market economy. (Davidson, 2005) Due to severe business competition among most of the business organizations in the US, an overwhelming growth of adverting agencies has been observed. Advertising agencies list have showed a constant growth over the past few decades, other than agencies contributed the honor in former years, none have offered substantial or handsome national ads or print campaigns. In spite of a collective ten percent growth in billings from 1. 781 billion dollars in 2004 to 1. 963 billion dollars in 2005 a huge number of ads agencies received a decreased in accounts also declined in cash flow and profitability. According to a study conducted by insider’s reporters from Universal Mc Cann showed that, advertising expenses increased by 4. 5 percent in the year 2005 as compare to 2004 figures. Interestingly, during that rising period black ad agencies did not contribute to country’s economy as much amount as predicted. (Advertising agencies, 2006) A study conducted by The Direct Marketing Association showed that, in New York, in the year 2005, different organizations spent around 161 billion dollars on direct marketing. When this investment measured against total New York income this also had a direct relation with the advertising expenses of that period. Entirely, direct marketing share was 10. 3 percent of the total US Gross Domestic Product in 2005. (Growth Trends Continue, 2005) In the past decade, a tremendous growth has been seen in online advertisement In this regard, two different images marked the way of efficient online advertising which included: direct response or brand building. Due to the abundance availability of computers online advertisement has become a yardstick for consumers. Advertising especially in the US, developed in reply to a huge expansion in markets. For example, product manufacturers and service sellers attempts to reach ever growing customers throughout the nation. In this context, many organizations have adopted technological equipment, better management and so on to meet not only the desired quality of the customers but also provide products on time. According to a research conducted by Molinari and Turino in 2006: o Expenses on ads are positively correlated with Gross Domestic Product. o Both consumption and investment has a direct relation with ads expenditures. o The organization’s ads positively impact on family demand of good. As a whole, it connotes that ads positively impacts the aggregate utilization of the economy as if it were an exogenic demand shock. o At state level advertisers contribute a multitude of taxes which normally includes, property tax, state income tax so forth. (Molinari and Turino, 2006) â€Å"The latest e Marketer estimates put total US Internet ad spending at $16. 4 billion this year, a 30. 8% gain over last year’s $12. 5 billion. The prime engine behind such strong growth is Google, whose US online advertising revenues are expected to be more than $4 billion (after subtracting traffic acquisition costs paid to network partners). † (Hallerman, 2006). Outstanding results of advertising will continue to come in the last months of 2007; with aggregate US online ad spending reaches at the end of this year around 19. 5 billion dollars. Nonetheless, this will be because of overall US economic weaknesses, in the United States real Gross Domestic Product growth is likely to down from over 3 percent in the year 2006 to around two percent in 2007. It is interesting to note that, in spite of the fact that the United States economy is considered a soft economy, growth in online advertisement will continue to rise by 17. 5 percent in the next year. Merrill Lynch a media analyst Lauren Rich Fine said on Friday, December 1, as reported by Media Post, 2. 6 percent expenditure on aggregate ads for 2007 is not astonishing, and can be devoted as a more muted economic in the following year. Furthermore, as Steve Fredericks, the president and CEO of TNS Media Intelligence, said e Marketer in early December, â€Å"We see GDP remaining sluggish at least through the first half of 2007†. (Hallerman, 2006) The year 2008, the United States Gross Domestic Product is expected to get closer to three percent. Online advertisements will also bounce with a 22. 1 percent significant increase as compare to 2007. This is also expecting that, due to the fact that political races primarily depended on internet communication, with the 2008 election, ads will share a significant amount on overall country’s economy. Besides, 2008 summer Olympics will also play a tremendous role in advertisement investing. (Hallerman, 2006). A study conducted by Direct Marketing Today (DMA), the study primarily reported the top line outcomes from the DMA insight econometric model of the United States direct marketing activities for the state as a whole, the Business to consumer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B), the most important direct marketing media, and for the economy’s of around 50 organizations group. Some study’s interesting findings are: Continue Growth By the year 2009, it is estimated that the sales driven by direct marketing will grow by 6. 4 percent, which will be 5. 3 percent up if compare to 1999 to 2004 figures. Jobs DM- driven employment is forecasted to grow by two percent per annum throughout 2009. The report also showed that, in the year 2005, direct marketing expenses directly supported 10. 6 million jobs. That was not only included direct marketers but also other employees whose requirement were needed to fulfill increased orders produced by direct marketing. High Return on Investment In 2005, an investment of dollar 1 in direct marketing ad expenses returned, on average 11. 49 incremented incomes across all organizations. Important Part of the Advertising Mix â€Å"Direct marketing advertising expenditures accounted for 47. 9% of total advertising in 2004, up from 46. 9% in 1999†. (Growth Trends Continue, 2005) Conclusion In today’s world of complex business, in order to survive in a severe competition market both domestic and international organizations paying a large amount of their product cost in shape of advertisement. Certainly, virtually all types of business even those not perceived as major marketers rely on advertising for their economic well-being. As discussed above, no body can deny the statement that, in the US ads play a vital role in boosting up the nation’s economy. Thousands of individuals every year get jobs through internet, newspapers, billboards and TV ads, consequently, decreasing unemployment ratio of the country. Throughout it has also been observed that, expenditures on ads have a direct link with the US total sale of each year. In this regard, ads share a fairly large amount in the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Certainly, through advertising almost all consumers come to know about product cost its specific features and most importantly ad gives a consumer an open right to discriminate between two identical products and buy the good one. References Advertising agencies: (June, 2006), A sluggish economy, reduced margins, and institutional racism are delivering severe blows to black ad agencies. Black Enterprise, Davidson Jim, (2005), Davidson & Company for The Advertising Coalition Growth Trends Continue for Direct Marketing, (September 29, 2005) http://www. article=704 Accessed, July 27, 2007 Hallerman David, (DECEMBER 6, 2006)Internet Advertising Will Weather a Sluggish Economy, Growth in Internet ad spending will slow next year before rebounding in 2008. http://www. emarketer. com/Article. aspx? id=1004345 Accessed, July 27, 2007 Molinari Benedetto, Turino Francesco, (May 31, 2006), The role of Advertising in the Aggregate Economy: the Working-Spending Cycle O’Connor Gina Colarelli, (1996), Translating Values into Product Wants, Journal of Advertising Research, Volume: 36. Issue: 6. Page Number: 90+.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Attention And Change Detection Psychology Essay

Attention And Change Detection Psychology Essay In recent years psychological literature has focused on attention and change detection. This paper examines the several key phenomena that comprise this process. Essentially the premise asserts that we do not see or detect everything that takes place in front of our eyes. Change Detection is based upon two key phenomenon: (1) Inattentional blindness and (2) Change blindness. Attention has become more intensively studied in recent years because of its links to cognitive psychology and neuroscience. The paper demonstrates the practical application of attention and change detection from the lens of psychology. Research has indicated that in order to see change you must pay attention to it. (Rensink, R.A. 2002). CONCEPT OF ATTENTION Attention may be defined as a subject area within the field of cognitive psychology. As such it refers to a process about targeted information within our environment. It is the concept of awareness of those things that are taking place around you via our sen ses of sight, sound and sensation. It was the philosopher and Psychologist William James who placed this into better perspective by stating attention is to take control of our mind; the ability to assimilate several objects at the same time and the ability to filter out certain elements to focus on those that matter. (Anderson, J.R. 2004) Attention is therefore a cognitive process that facilitates concentration whilst being enabled to filter out non-relevant subject matter. In recent years this has received intense research interest within the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Specific attention being focused on sources of the signals i.e. sensory neurons and relationships between other cognitive functions like memory and vigilance. It has also been linked to the two key phenomena of inattentional blindness and change blindness. Attention has been widely studied in school and educational settings looking at the behavioural patterns of children. (Chavajay, P. 1999) ina ttentional blindness we are overloaded with lots of different stimuli working simultaneously and as such we cannot be aware of all of them. (Pashler, H.E. 1999) inattentional blindness One of the most famous tests for inattentional blindness was the invisible gorilla test. This was carried out by two researchers from the University of Illinois and Harvard University. The participants were asked to study a video clip of a basketball game and to focus on the number of times the ball was passed i.e. Ground and aerial passes. The two groups of people wore black and white T shirts to differentiate themselves. During the clip a woman passes through the scene wearing a gorilla costume . After viewing the partiicipants were asked if they noticed anything out of the ordinary and in most groups 50% of the subjects claimed not to have seen the gorilla. The participant’s attention was focused upon counting the complex number of passes and screening out those stimuli considered distracti ng to the focused effort. (Choi, C.Q. 2013)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research report - Essay Example for them to evaluate the needs and preferences of the customers based on their demographics and provide products and services which fit their individual needs. A research was conducted to identify the factors that contribute most to the selection of a particular hospital for delivery. The research used a survey method to acquire data from the respondents. A questionnaire was designed to which comprised of dichotomous questions, checklists and questions with a rating grid. The sample size composed of 270 individuals with 244 females and 26 males. The research helped Norton to successfully capture a glimpse of the demographics of the local population. The findings of the research showed that males and females significantly differ in rating the importance of different factors. Also it was apparent that females rate the factors highly than their male counterparts, so the importance of female as a target population was highlighted. In addition to that, the research spotlighted the importance of educational level and how it could be used to segment the target market since individuals with different qualification levels rated different factors in a different manner. The study also emphasized on the importance of certain factors which will be helpful in increasing the brand equity. Those mainly include quality of care, friendliness of staff, maternity facilities and reputation of hospital. Health care industry has undergone through massive changes and companies have increasingly become focused towards developing innovative strategies to attract and retain customers. Companies have recognized the importance of marketing research since a new trend was developed when Medicare started reimbursing hospitals by ways of Diagnose Related Illness (DRG’s) rather than on the basis of costs. DRG’s are basically an organized way to classify hospital cases that uses similar hospital resources (Reference). Patients have now become savvier and they decide how they should be

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Commodity Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Commodity Risk Management - Essay Example Commodities with higher price volatility subject the consumer or the producer to greater probability of incurring loses or attaining gains on the future sales and buying of the product. Commodities with greater share in enterprise earning or production costs are faced with greater exposure to price risks. Various commodity risk management instrument are available and are mostly used by large producing firms, large consuming firms, trading firms, marketing firms or departments and other business ventures. The current market trends have led to the limitation of middlemen and traders and the transactions between the producer/ manufacture and final consumer have increased considerably. When the world commodity prices fall, the producer is at risk as he is not able to cover for his production costs. Also, a commodity dealer who buys products and keeps them in a warehouse is faced by the risk of not recovering his original purchasing costs. Those who process the goods are faced by double r isks due to the inputs and outputs. The final consumer only experiences the problem of increased prices. Price risks also affect traders, importers and exporters (Rutten and Blarel, 1996) The are several methods that are adopted for the management of commodity price risks, These include the adoption of marketing strategies that help time sales and purchases, Forward contracts, futures long term contracts, the use of over the counter markets. Commodity linked bonds and the use of swaps (Kolb, 1991).The choice of the instrument to use is difficult as the over the counter market is not open and transparent. The price determination depends on the bargaining strength and the availability of vital information. There is also the counterpart risk if he fails to fulfill the obligations imposed on him. Types of instruments used Forwards contracts; this involves the formation of an agreement to deliver a given quantity of goods at a given future date. The agreed forward price is paid when the product is delivered. The contract contains the price of the commodity and the quantity specified for delivery at a given date in the future. The 'long position' or the buyer receives the commodity and pays the forward price and the 'short position' or the seller delivers the commodity (UNCTAD, 1998). Futures contract: this is an agreement to deliver a given commodity in the future. The price is paid at a specified future date and at a future price payable at the time of delivering the commodity. They differ from the forward markets since they are 'marked to the market' this means that the contracts are settled each trading day. Future prices are either greater or less than the forward price. Due to the evaluation of the prices per given trading day, future contracts are usually preferred. Forward contacts are usually traded in exchanges. Futures may require settlement on daily basis if the are market to market. They are safer because the clearing house guarantees the fulfillment of the contract terms by all parties (Morgan, 1992) Cash market The behavior of most commodities in the market is determined by the cash and storage markets. The term spot price is used to refer to the immediate purchase of commodities. That means the products are bought and delivered at that time. The cash market is greatly

ITM422 - Administering IT Infrastructure - Mod 3 Case Assignment Essay

ITM422 - Administering IT Infrastructure - Mod 3 Case Assignment - Essay Example Companies are said to have overwhelming data if they begin to collect and store from external sources. Many organizations acquire huge data when they purchase information technology solutions and applications from external vendors. Researchers advise companies to have a database which is simple and user friendly (Lucker, 2005). It must also be properly organized and prepared which would allow the employees to access the information. It is necessary that the organization of the data be smooth which would assist the users in obtaining significance out of it. The smooth and simple organization of data from small projects can assist organizations in taking more complex projects. This will not lead to an abundance of data but it allows it to be organized in a simple, practical, and logical way. The data needs to be classified and categorized in a way which allows for the running of numerous applications (Lucker, 2005). It is also essential that database designers implement systems with fe atures that are beneficial for the organization. Many organizations are utilizing the technological innovations to manage data in a simple, organized and consistent way. The logging of data is performed to ensure that IT administrators can use it if there has been a security breach or event. Companies are increasingly using firewalls, UNIX, Windows servers, and other hardware to perform logging of data. Calpine is a company which deals with power and energy products (Higgins, 2005). The company not only logs its data but has also properly designed and evaluated it. Firewall analysis applications are being used as a smart way to find specific events (Higgins, 2005). The conventional method of finding specific events inside logs is very cumbersome and time consuming. Many vendors like Cisco offer technological solutions that are assisting companies in designing smart and simplified organizational data management processes. The increase in customers and automation of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Jean-Paul Sartre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Jean-Paul Sartre - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the roots of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Existentialist-Marxist understandings are deeply embedded in the objects of freedom (analytically) and personal struggle (history/personal struggle).   It is not only impractical to separate Sartre from his time-period, it is impossible.   Dissolution of people’s identities both spiritually and historically was being realized through the tragedies of World War I and World War II.   Combining these significant destructions with new perspectives concerning Psychology (through Freud, Jung†¦), Philosophy found a seemingly different path explaining â€Å"who we are† and â€Å"what is our purpose† as humans.   Sartre was heavily influenced by literature and art and through this media suggested an approach to perceiving the world as it is; ugly, grotesque’, self-absorbed.   This movement towards a more realistic or negative view of life differed greatly from the â€Å"Hope† offered by Leibnitz, Aquinas and other ‘positivists’.   Accordingly, Sartre felt the backlash from â€Å"Hopeful-ists† resulting in Sartre’s â€Å"Existentialism Is a Humanism† lecture in Paris, France 1944. In â€Å"Existentialism Is a Humanism†, Sartre spells out what Existentialism actually is.   Sartre says there are two kinds of Existentialist â€Å"the Christians...and atheistic existentialists† the latter being the group Sartre belongs to.  Ã‚  ... Perhaps Sartre’ wished to embolden and/or disarm his Christian detractors by enlisting Gabriel Marcel as a co-conspirator since Marcel, a converted Catholic, first â€Å"endorsed but later repudiated† (SEP) the Existentialist label. Adding a supremely ironic twist is Sartre first repudiating then endorsing the label of ‘Existentialism’ himself ( Sartre may have been reading Kant and his â€Å"Utilitarianism† by including Christianity as a default proponent; by utility. Sartre suggests the commonness of existentialists is the belief that â€Å"existence precedes essence.† This idea is novel in the scheme of Philosophy. Greek thought or philosophy from Plato suggested a â€Å"Realm of Forms† as the perfection of anything conceivable in perfect form. The ‘thing’ observed had a ‘perfectness’ illustrated in the â€Å"Realm of Forms† above and beyond the common illusionary perception of a living hu man being (Plato 68). Sartre defined reality as production of each individual perceiver’s understanding or capabilities without a definite ‘template’ or guide about what may or may not be true of the ‘thing’ perceived. This is Sartre’s ‘Freedom’ supposition: â€Å"Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself† (Sartre 5). Here, Sartre follows closely in the footsteps of Spinoza by exacting ‘God’ from the realm of reality and describing a ‘natural’ or humanistic understanding of reality. Freedom, to Sartre, is not a political or societal extension; although it can be. Freedom is breaking the chains of bondage from â€Å"determinism† of perhaps, Calvinistic Christianity and allowing man the complete dominion of his or her own

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Managing for the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Managing for the Future - Essay Example One of the main objectives of the company is to promote healthy food for the betterment of the society and community (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Our Commitment to Nutrition Education†). Kellogg’s cereal is manufactured in more than 20 countries and is marketed in more than 180 countries of the world (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Our Location†). Kellogg’s was formed by W.K. Kellogg’s in the year 1906. Kellogg’s maintains a diverse workforce and believes in promoting a healthy work environment for successful completion and attainment of goals (Kellogg’s, 2013d). The company has been offered several awards for delivering excellent performance and high quality products like the â€Å"Top 50 Company for Diversity from Diversity Inc and â€Å"100 Best Places to Work† from Computer World (Kellogg’s â€Å"Diversity & Inclusion†). Although, the brand has been successful in marketing cereals of varied flavours the company earns maj ority of its revenue from its core product which is the plain flavoured cereal (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Heritage†). 1 Historical Performance Environmental degradation has become a growing concern for the society, government and community. The major cause of environmental degradation has occurred due to the impact of the business activities and process. The major alterations in the biodiversity have interacted in the most complex ways within the environment. The environmental issues in developing and developed countries have propelled the demand for restructuring the environmental reform. The environmental issues have compelled the government of various nations to develop knowledge of environmental imperatives, regulations and rules. The government of varied nations is trying to manage the situational crisis by implementing measures for environment protection. Environment protection measures developed by the government have helped in creating awareness about environment and so cietal protection. The basic and fundamental problems of environmental degradation would be solved with the assistance of the multinational corporations. The assistance from multinational corporations is required for reducing the carbon emissions, toxic elements, hazardous waste, etc. The government of varied nations has implemented several measures and guidelines for the corporate organizations to abide by. 1(a) The different types of environmental protection measures developed by Kellogg’s during the tenure 2007 to 2013 are as follows: Year Environmental issues & Sustainability Technology 2007 The company implemented a global energy management program which promotes energy conservation, manage energy usage and develops energy saving opportunity by including alternatives like renewable energy and fuel. The management for the product focused on packaging efficiency by serving products which are fresh for consumption process. The main focus of the company was improving its pac kaging process by developing efficient packaging system which focuses on reducing the linear weight and paper board quantity in manufacturing products (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Annual Report 2007†). 2008 The company developed the Kellogg Environmental System (KEMS) which ensures the improvement in environmental aspects by conforming to the environmental policy. Three environmental programs of Kellogg’s have obtained ISO 14001 certification which signifies its efficiency to comply with environmental standards. The company focused on efficient use of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Organic enterprise repor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Organic enterprise repor - Assignment Example The farmers in this region of Australia have invested heavily in organic farming, as opposed to the popular practice of using chemicals. The north Queensland, Australia region has an abundance of fertile soil that is rich in nutrients and a forest-free environment with a favourable climate that supports the growth of Aloe Vera all year long. The leaves are tested on a daily basis, a process which facilitates monitoring the health of the plant and ensures a bumper harvest at maturity. The Proposed Schedule for the Research Report ACTIVITY IMPORTANCE IMPORTANCE Making contact to the relevant authority Define the physical location of the farm the telephone numbers obtained and make appointments with a farm representative Week one +week two ACTIVITY IMPORTANCE IMPORTANCE Conducting a literature review Based on the research findings and theoretical knowledge regarding organic agriculture, the report can effectively prepare a conclusive literature review. Week three+ week four ACTIVITY IMP ORTANCE IMPORTANCE Visiting the enterprise Collecting data, information and observations. Week five ACTIVITY IMPORTANCE IMPORTANCE Preparing a draft report A draft report will be written after every visit to the farm to produce a final conclusion and identify the key notes from each visit; analysing reports to extract the main drawbacks and suggested solutions to such drawbacks Week six ACTIVITY IMPORTANCE IMPORTANCE Time for the need for possible follow-up visits or phone calls Discuss the feasibility of applying suggested solutions and evaluate their applicability; examine the progress the farm achieved after implementing the suggested solutions; obtain feedback from sellers and consumers. Week seven The study will take a total of seven weeks during which time the activities will be appropriately spaced out. There are certain key activities that must begin before other activities can begin (such as seeking permission from the farm owners before the study resumes). The other activi ties (i.e. the literature review and visiting the farm) may be done concurrently. The visit is expected to affirm the research that has already been conducted. The schedule may be altered depending on unforseen constraints that might emerge during the course of the study. Introduction This report examines organic Aloe Vera farming in north Queensland, Australia. It gives a detailed account of the factors that have led to the success of organic farming in north Queensland, Australia, and also explores the reasons behind this choice of farming. The research investigates the organic methods that the farmers use in their farming practices. There is a detailed account of the benefits of these practices and the returns that the farmers obtain from practicing organic farming. The examination goes on further to discuss different products processed from organic Aloe Vera and the health benefits associated with these products. There is a detailed review of the different farming associations t hat aide the farmers with the expertise and financial loans that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Apply Legal and Ethical Parameters to Nursing Practice Essay Example for Free

Apply Legal and Ethical Parameters to Nursing Practice Essay 1. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (The National Law 2009) has great importance on the governance of the conduct of registered and enrolled nurses. The National Law allows national boards to manage the development of health profession standards. The National Law has requirement for national boards to enterprise wide range consultation on registration standards, codes and guidelines. The National Law organise a national scheme which include registration arrangement, accreditation arrangement, complaints, conducts, health and performance arrangements, privacy and information-sharing arrangement and transitional arrangements. 2. (a). Two legislations that mandate nurses to report to nominated government authorities where elderly people and/or children in their care are at risk of harm from others are Australian Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (2009) Children and Community services amendment act 2008 (b). These acts are state act, which can vary state or territory wide in Australia. (c). These legislations make ENs aware to provide safe environment and keep away elderly people and children from any harm by reporting to nominated government. This legislation helps to reduce some professionals to be involved in some cases. It is legal requirement for ENs to report all reasonable beliefs of any risk of harm for elderly people and/or children. 3. Four domains of the National Competency Standards for Enrolled Nurse are: (a) Professional and Ethical practices: Enrolled Nurses work according to legislation, policies and procedures to demonstrate knowledge of legislation and common law, organizational policies and procedure, fulfill the duty of care, report practices that may breach legislations, polices and procedures. ENs performs in ethical way, respect the rights of individual and groups, and accept accountability and responsibility for own actions within enrolled nursing practices. (b) Critical thinking and analysis: Enrolled nurses establish critical thinking to perform enrolled  nursing practice by assessing own performance through nursing standards, by self professional development, by own care. (c) Management of care: Enrolled nurses participate to form care plans with RN through accurate data collection and report of health and functional status of individuals and groups, through identification of expected healthcare outcomes, through evaluation of progress of individuals and groups to achieve expected outcomes with RN. ENs manage nursing care of individuals and groups by implementing planned nursing care to get identified outcomes, by recognizing any change in health and functional status, report and document it accurately and on time. (d) Enabling: Enrolled nurses promote safety, security and personal integrity of individuals and groups, which include their actions of safety, create and maintain effective communication, applying strategies for promotion of self-esteem of individual and groups, actions to maintain dignity and integrity of individuals and groups. Enrolled nurses provide support and care to individuals and groups and participate with members of healthcare team to achieve effective healthcare outcomes. 4. The NMBA new Code of Ethics August 2008 define the nursing profession’s commitment to respect, promote, protect and support the fundamental rights od receiver and provider of nursing and healthcare. Its impact on practice of enrolled nurses is to: Provide quality nursing care, taking action on reasonable ground Respect the individual’s ethical values with gentleness Understand different culture and languages influence the nursing and healthcare Demonstrate the ability to reasonably and equitably provide services depends on needs, social standings, ethnicity, age, race, level of income, gender Support culture of safety because safety is everyone’s responsibility Document all information accurately, non-judgmentally and relevant to health, acre and treatment of a person and should be confidential Prevent, minimize and overcome the harmful effect of economic, social or ecological factors on health Promote and maintain the trust between nurse care receiver Perform ethically 5. The purpose of NMBA new code of Professional Conduct August 2008 for nurses is to: Specify a base to consumer, regulatory, employing and professional bodies for evaluating professional conduct of nurses Form a set of minimum national standards of conduct, nurses are supposed to support Inform the community of standards of professional conduct, it can sustain nurses in Australia References: 1. Nursing and midwifery board of Australia, 27 October 2009, consultation paper on registration standards and related matters, viewed 16 August 2014, 2. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2010, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Law 2009, viewed 16 August 2014, 3. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2014, Mandatory notification, viewed 15 August 2014, 4. Australian Institute of Family Studies, 8 August 2014, What is mandatory reporting?, viewed 15 August 2014, 5. Hughson, J, 2013, ‘Nursing: Historical, present and future perspectives’, The Tabbner’s Nursing Care (6th edition), Kesteven S., Libby Houston, Chatswood, NSW, pp. 11-12 6. Australian Nursing Midwifery Council, 2008, Codes of professional conduct and ethics for nurses and midwives in Australia, viewed 17 August 2014, E_AND_WORK_EFFECTIVELY_IN_HEALTH/element_1/ANMCwebsiteversion.pdf 7. Nursing and midwifery board of Australia, 2014, Codes of Professional conduct for nurses in Australia, viewed 17 August 2014, 8. Nursing and midwifery board of Australia, 2014, Codes of Ethics for nurse august 2008, viewed 17 August 2014,

Friday, September 20, 2019

Innovation for Tesco

Innovation for Tesco Tesco has rivals like Sainsburys, Asda, Morrison and Iceland, the rivals of Tesco always try to introduce something new and different in the products to attract the customers. But the technology management of Tesco thought that we should have to introduce an innovation which could be in the form of technology as well as which can reduce the staff, time and cost of the organization and which also can provide the good and efficient services to attract the customers, so after a long consideration the Tesco technology management introduced an innovation in the forms of self check outs tills and online ordering, such kinds of devices are the innovation for the Tesco as well as the new technology. Tesco was 1st organization in the retail chain which introduced the self check outs tills and online ordering. Therefore we can say that it was an innovation for Tesco as well as in the retail chain, with the help of this innovation Tesco is the 3rd largest retail company in the world now days. ( Interview from Store Manager) Definition of Innovation:- Innovation is not a single action but a total process of interrelated sub-processes. Is not just the conception of a new idea, not the invention of a new device, nor the development of a new market the process is all these things acting in an integrated fashion.(Myers Marquis, 1969) All activities which is involved in the procedure of generating ideas, development of technology marketing and producing new products and the process of manufacturing is called innovation (Trott, 2005) General Definition of Innovation:- In the organization the innovation is the process to improve or develop the new products and services in order to gain the competitive advantage in the market place. The innovation approach adopted by the Management:- The organization benefits through innovation How the innovation improved the overall organization performance Estimate the successful of the innovation (Questionnaires from the customers) Conclusion and Recommendation Organization:- The founder of Tesco was Jack Cohen in 1919. They started with the small stall but after 10 year in 1929 they opened a first store in Burnt Oak, now days in Britain Tesco is the king in the retail chain and in the world retail chain Tesco is the 3rd largest company. Tesco have 3700 stores all over the world and more than 440000 employees. Outside the Britain Tesco have stores in 13 countries. Tesco is a well known company in Britain as well as in central Europe. Tesco is dealing with every kind of Garments, wines, frozen food, electronics, groceries, travelling, and banking Tesco is struggling to become the 2nd in 2012. Tesco Mission Statement:- Mission statement is very important for every organization rather small or large, because a mission statement sets the general goals or purpose of the organization. It is very vital for the employees to obtain the organization goals. The Tesco mission statement is to keep loyal customers, in order to achieve the mission Tesco have to know who their loyal customers are, due to this reason Tesco introduced the club card services with the help of this Tesco may reward the customers by distributing the special kinds of vouchers and giving them extra points. What is the Tesco aim? The Tesco aim is to achieve the long term goals. What is an organization objective? The objectives in other words are goals which the organization sets for its future. Objectives have the time period like three or five years. The objective of the Tesco is measureable as well as they also contribute to obtain the aims. How the objective and aims merge with each other. All Tesco aims and objective merge with each other no one will work without each other. All over the world Google is the top search engine. Tesco has wonderfully detailed existence on the Google. Instances of Self check outs services:- In the retail chain Tesco is the first organization which introduced the self check outs tills the benefits of these tills for the customer is that customer can easily scan their items without any intervention of the staff as well as these tills are used both orders like small and large Tesco also gives the facility of automated checkout machines to the customers, customers its self can easily use these tills which reduce the customer time as well as the cost of staff and timing. These tills are very helpful for the Tesco to attract the customers and the profit. Instances of Online ordering:- If anyone write Tesco in the search box of the Google instantly the company possible detail come up like offers, Bog of deals, Voucher, Menu, Coupons, Club card, Home electrical etc. The new and old customers can easily choose the field of her/his choice and get all the relevant information as well as if any one write Tesco in the search box of the Google it shows many links of the company. The website of the company gives you very easy way to order online, location of the nearest store, food guide, feedback system, participating events, memberships, business information etc. The given below websites picture is describing that how Tesco is facilitating to their customers. For example if any customer enter the post code on the website he/she can easily track the nearest store, store phone number, store address as well as get information about the special offers, regular etc. Source: The Estimation/Evaluation:- Time by time Tesco considers the many things to check its improvement/progress. Increasing in number of customers (weekly, monthly and yearly) What are the customers views/suggestion/reviews regarding services and food Customers can give feedback thorough online as well as direct regarding their services etc The weekly average sale in a certain period. Change model:- Beckhard and Levin in 1969 and 1951 respectively developed the most famous change models. However other important contributions have been introduced by Quinn 1980 and Lewin 1980. Lewin:- The introductory methods for managing change are as follows according Lewin 1951. Unfreezing, existing behaviour and attitudes are supported by changing the present state equilibrium. According to new information new responses can be developed. Refreezing, by introduction of new responses in to personality concern can stabilize change. Field force analysis is a methodology for analysing change suggested by lewin which involves Transition to the future state is affected by analysing driving or restraining forces Differentiating between driving and restraining forces is essential. Action should be taking to increase critical driving forces and decrease critical restraining forces (Martin, 2006) Value change analysis can be applied to an organization , every time cost is reduce value substitution should be implemented, through this organization and customers both gain this has been practiced by Tesco self service check outs have not only reduce the staff cost but it also has made shopping experience easier for the consumer. (Horovitz, 2004) Guideline for Change Management:- Armstrong has explained the following factors to make sure that change management is successfully implemented in an organization. Understanding of the organizational structure and levels of change needs to be affective with the help of a strong and visionary leadership. Appropriate attitude and leadership is required to those concerned at all levels when implementing change strategies. Encourage workers who accept the idea of change participation in planning and implementation. Change should be advocated with the help of hard evidence and data. Instead of attitudes or corporate culture change should be implemented by process and behaviours. This should be completed by awarding people who encourage change and challenges. (Armstrong, 2006) Trigger: There are two types of trigger are involved in this change Internal Trigger: The management of Tesco realized that the sale and services are going bad due to negligence of staff and the shortage of staff so they need to change something, after the consideration they recognized an innovation in the form of technology like automated self services tills which can provide better customer services. External Trigger: Every organization is brining change introducing different technologies so Tesco also needs to bring the change in the organization and change could be technology, however Tesco adapted the computer technology to satisfy the customers. Innovation Analysis:- Like many others companies Tesco is also affected in every season as well as environment and lots of staff mistakes. Tesco needs are to introduce an innovation that can expand its way, and Tesco swap the workforce in to the computer technology. The Tesco management considered that our services are going to low level due to lack of staff, however empty spaces could be filled with the help of computer technology as well as efficient performance. The world is changed due to the new development in science since last decades. Computer technology is very good as well as very affordable. Tesco can easily use the technology and new improvement in technology is very important trigger for the Tesco, from last 10 years the information system is more advance and fast. The customers behaviour has been changed due to the computers. So self check out and online ordering is the part of the technology which Tesco is using very efficiently. Benefits of Innovation:- Tesco is one of the biggest retailers in Britain, so Tesco needs an innovation which could be in the form of technology as well as which can reduce the cost of staff and increase its profit as well as compete its rivals like Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys. There are many benefits for Tesco after introducing the technology which we discussed above online ordering and self check outs services, the customers can give order very easily at home through online which is very good for Tesco to increase its customers as well as sale and reduce the cost of staff, customers can order online at any time and day. This technology is very important or bon of Tesco because Tesco sales boosted up to 49% after adapting the online ordering system. Tesco is the first organization whom introduced this facility, the self check outs services are also very vital for Tesco because with the help of these tills Tesco is saving the time and money as well as reducing the staff and also giving better facility to their customers. Adapting this innovation/ technology is one of the huge changes in the organization. Tesco opened a new store in Northampton there is no check out staff, because Tesco used the automated self tills. By using good technology Tesco needs to handle the customer demands. Primary Research:- In order to understand the role of manager in the innovation, we took an interview one of the Tesco store manager. In an interview the store manager of Tesco described the basic role of the manager when any change or innovation adapted the Tesco as well he also described the factors while adapting the new technology, which are as given below. Understanding the innovation:- In an interview the store manager said that the manager always ensure that the new technology is understandable and supportable for the management and the staff as well as its also very helpful to achieve some benefits from the head office. Role of Manager:- Staff training:- The basic role of the manager that they train the staff according to the new technology as well they make sure that all staff has full information regarding the technology. The managers also confirm that the innovation is suitable for the organization and staff. They solve the staff problem regarding the new technology. Managers train the staff very efficiently in order to provide the good service and quality of the product. In every organization staff training is very essential because they tell the customers about the innovation which is very good for the organization to increase the sale. (Interview) Role of Deputy Store Manager:- After getting an interview from the Tesco store manager. We also took an interview from the deputy store manager of Tesco, during an interview he told us about his role when any change or introduce an innovation. He makes sure that all the staffs have idea about the technology as well as the advantages for this purpose he call the staff meeting and tell them about the innovation and then they train them. The deputy store manager also keep watching the performance of staff regarding the technology and he also ensure that every single staff must have the knowledge about the new technology, staff after getting the training then they could be able to help and teach the customer about the self check outs and online ordering by themselves. He also said that after getting the technology the Tesco need to maintain and provide good quality of services to their customers. (Interview) Managers External Roles:- The external role of Tesco management is they give ads to the social websites regarding the innovation to attract and tell the customers about the new technology. This is very beneficial for Tesco to increase the customers and the sale. Technology management cycle:- The Tesco technology management introduced an innovation in the form of self check outs tills. When Tesco technology management introduce this technology/innovation, management of Tesco managed this technology through a technology cycle, which is given below. Experience Experiment Reflection Concept Customer Analysis on the Innovation:- When Tesco introduce or adopt new technology. Tesco takes feedback from the customer to evaluate the success of technology/innovation. (Q No#1) Are you happy with the Tesco Service? When we are conducting an interview from the customer round about 88% of the peoples said that they are satisfied and happy with the Tesco services. In an interview customers told us that they have chosen the Tesco for good food, products and good services. Tesco products may not be cheaper than the Sainsburys and Asda. But customers are also very happy and satisfied because Tesco provides good services as well s the quality of the products. (Q No#2) Are you happy by using self check outs services and online ordering? In an interview round about 83% customers said that they are very happy and satisfied by using online ordering as well as self check outs services, Tesco implemented this technology before couple of years. According to the consumers this technology is very helpful to complete the process of buying very fast, reliable and efficient. According to the customers they do not like to stand in the queue as well as spend more time in the store, so such kinds of innovation/technology attract the customers and save the time. (Q No#3) Are you known about the term of technology management? Almost 60% customer said in an interview that they have good information/knowledge regarding the term of technology management. (Q No#4) Are you known about the change management and how the change affects the customers/people? Many customers whom were interviewed found that they have very good idea as well as knowledge about the change management; round about 75% customers said that yes change management affects the customers as well as the staff. The example is this people can buy or give order online with the help of technology. It saves their time. (Q No#5) Is Tesco should have to adopt new technology? Almost 92% customer said during the interview that Tesco should have to adopt new technology with the passage of time and also give more flexibility as well as advantages to the customers, because new technology always unique and special for customers. (Q No#6) What would you say that organization change management has been effective on the innovation? The 80% people said that yes organization change management has been effective on the innovation and Tesco should have to carry on innovating, it is very helpful for Tesco to remain and gain the sustainable competitive advantage. Recommendation:- Martin in 2006 suggested that it is the responsibility of the experienced co-worker to train and guide new staff this reflects the fact that organizational structure needs to change with the introduction of new technology, in return the workforce with look towards the management for training guidance. (Martin, 2006) Technology today improves the quality of life. It improves choice in foods, transportation, jobs, housing, healthcare, water quality and entertainment, further more. It is looked upon as a source of progression in most societies. (Henry Mayle, 2002) This new concept not only improves staff image but also helps in customer service. This would be communicated to the general public through the Ads, media, radio, television etc. Tesco Implemented the customers Suggestion/Recommended:- The company has initialized an online feedback facility where a customer can comment about their experience in the store regarding the automated tills. For example if a customer shopped in Leyton, comments asked would be about the location of the store, customer experience, stock readily available, in short general view of the customer this not only gives the customer a chance to voice their opinion, it also is forward to the concern store, on these recommendations the store manager takes steps to compensate their drawbacks and improve service at their store. My Recommendation:- We will recommend that Tesco should have to adopt more self check out tills in future and provide more reliable services to the customers as well as to resolve the problem of the customers regarding the automated self tills. Conclusion:- Tesco is the biggest retail company in the United Kingdom. It is the third largest company in the world. It provides the quality of products and services. Tesco has many kinds of products according to their customer needs and desire. Tesco always give tough time to their competitors. So Tesco technology management introduced self check out tills and online ordering system. This technology is very helpful and reliable for the customers, Before introducing new technology the technology management ensure that the technology should be understandable and supported by the staff and the top management. However in the organization the staff must have training before using the new technology, on the other hand this innovation/technology is very beneficial and favourable for Tesco. Tesco can gain and remain the sustainable competitive advantage.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of flashback in The Great Gatsby proves to be an effective tool in order to reveal information from the characters’ past. These flashbacks are effective because they allow the reader to know and understand the character better before a situation in the novel arises. Three examples of flashbacks that Fitzgerald uses are when Jordan explains to Nick how and when she first met Gatsby on page 79, when Nick explains to the reader how Gatsby got his name and what his childhood was like on page 104, and when Nick explains again to the reader what happened when Gatsby returned from the war on page 160. The placement and effectiveness of these flashbacks allow Fitzgerald to give more background to each character and to allow the reader to better understand the situation that each character is experiencing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first example of flashback that Fitzgerald provides takes place on page 79. In this flashback, Jordan explains to Nick how she first met Gatsby. She explains to Nick that when the girls were eighteen, he was with Daisy Fay in her â€Å"little white roadster.† This flashback is effective because it gives us an idea of how Daisy and Gatsby’s relationship was purely based on beauty and not friendship. The placement of the above quote was essential because it allows us to experience early in the novel how Gatsby had a relationship with Daisy. This first example of flashback by Fitzgerald proves to be...

Investment Management Training :: essays research papers

Is There a Return on the Investment of Management Training?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Customer satisfaction is no doubt dependent on a great number of variables. While it may be difficult to measure the actual benefits of training in terms of customer satisfaction, it appears essential to provide some type of training for employees to improve job performance. According to Smith (2001), staffs who have received formal training have been found to be up to 230 percent more productive than untrained colleagues working in the same role. Therefore, it becomes clear that the development of an organization’s human resources is a high priority for today’s business leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preparation of staff should be well-planned and supportive of the company’s goals. Successful companies build a consistent system with clear constraints, allowing employees some freedom accompanied with responsibility (Collins, 2001). Managers simply cannot rely on their employees coming in with all the necessary skills to be successful in their positions. Some may require more computer skills, while others need receptionist or time management skills. Individual needs should drive the training program and this is not always an easy task to accomplish. A one-size-fits-all approach to management training will most likely not be highly successful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Larry Seldon, a Columbia University professor, stresses that â€Å"different customers have different customs, different values, different psyches and different needs.† (CNNMONEY, 2004) Each employee’s needs may be as individual as their customers’ needs. When dealing with human emotions and performance, the results are not always predictable or certain. A recent University of Michigan study revealed that customer satisfaction has declined about three percent over the last five years (CNNMoney, 2004). Good managers recognize that customer service and satisfaction are key elements to be successful in the business world. Training is one of the primary ways to increase employee skills and productivity. Employees need to be well-trained in current job skills, and learn new skills on a continuing basis in order to remain competitive (Fernald & Solomon, 1998). Employers need to provide ample opportunities for employees to develop their abilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A new method of providing this training is through the use of the Internet. Rural communities with small businesses do not have the resources available to provide ongoing, systematic training programs for their employees. William Shuffstall, County senior extension agent, maintains that small businesses need to stay viable because their communities depend on them to keep the local economy alive (Burlingame, 2002). The effective use of technology can assist these small businesses with effective and current training strategies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In the Post-modern World, Truth is Only an Opinion :: essays research papers fc

To explain the impacts of postmodernism, we have to understand the very composite nature of postmodernism, which is a relatively new all encompassing philosophy and one that reputedly lacks a historiography. The nature of the title question is very philosophical to which an equally philosophical answer could be given – why? However I am not so bold as to give that as the answer. I will therefore endeavour to simplify and qualify, what I consider are, related factors and, where applicable, their origins. Similarly, as the title requests, I will also tackle their relationship with the ‘what is history?’ debate (having first explained exactly what it is) to offer a conclusion as to the profundity of their impact. The debate that continues through modern day historians on exactly ‘what is history?’ was instigated by the writings of Collingwood, Elton and Carr, during the 20th century. It appears a very multifaceted issue and seldom does a historian writing about the ongoing debate fully agree with any of his cohorts in any of the intellectual disciplines. In the words of Oscar Wilde, ‘To write history we have to rewrite history’. Obviously, this always involves revision, which encompasses ‘our understanding of the past and our sense of the persistence of the past into the present.’ (1) Once again, it is a complex issue to address as each individual may offer a different perspective, on their view of past histories due to personal circumstance and ideology, which subsequently ‘emphasises the connections between different fields of human endeavour.’(2) There is commonly a distinction between history and sociology in as much as history commonly refers to study of past events and human affairs, while sociology may be defined as ‘the study of human society, with an emphasis on generalisations about its structure and development.’(3) Rather than to get engaged in the parochial debate between how history and sociology differ, it is much easier to accept that they compliment each other. In fact there are a number of intellectual disciplines (including social anthropology, geography, politics and economics, to name but a few), which are all complimentary to the writing of history. Clearly the more recent the event, the more likely we will have more evidence as contemporary sources whether they be oral accounts, manuscripts, diaries and so forth have had less time to withstand the destructive processes, experienced by many other similar sources, throughout the passage of time. However, this is not to dismiss findings from archaeological digs, as with the help from modern technology it is believed we can interpret quite accurately dates, scenes and lifestyles of societies from long past epochs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming?

Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? A REVIEW OF THE FACTS APRIL 2007 AUTHORS James Wang, Ph. D. Bill Chameides, Ph. D. Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? The case for attributing the recent global warming to human activities rests on the following undisputed scientific facts: †¢ Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that warms the atmosphere. †¢ Since pre-industrial times, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased from about 280 parts per million (ppm) to over 380 ppm.Current concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases are unprecedented in at least the last 650,000 years, based on records from gas bubbles trapped in polar ice. †¢ Independent measurements demonstrate that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere comes from burning fossil fuels and forests. The isotopic composition of carbon from these sources contains a unique â€Å"fingerprint. † †¢ Since pre-industrial times, global average temperatures have increased by about 0. 7? C , with about half of the warming occurring over the past few decades. The only quantitative and internally consistent explanation for the recent global warming includes the intensified greenhouse effect caused by the increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The U. S. National Academy of Sciences—the independent organization of the country’s most renowned scientists established by Congress to advise the nation on scientific and technical issues—has concluded: â€Å"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. Some argue that the recent global warming is due to natural fluctuations and not to human activities. This argument and its fallacies are discussed below. Argument 1: CO2 is not coming from human activities CO2 has natural sources: volcanoes for example. All animals exhale it. How can human activities be affecting the concentration of CO2 on a global scale? The Facts Natural processes e mit large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, but they also remove it—at nearly identical rates.This balance maintained the concentration of CO2 at a stable level for thousands of years prior to the Industrial Revolution. In the case of global warming, the question is: What is causing the increase in CO2 concentrations? The answer turns out to be incontrovertible. The isotopic composition of carbon in atmospheric CO2 provides a unique â€Å"fingerprint† that tells scientists that the lion’s share of the additional CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels. Argument 2: No one really knows why the climate variesThe global climate has fluctuated considerably over the Earth’s history, either for unknown reasons or because of â€Å"internal variability† in the climate system. We do not know enough about the climate system to attribute the present global warming to any specific cause. The Facts It is true that the Earthâ⠂¬â„¢s climate has exhibited wide swings over geologic time due to natural processes. However, scientists have reasonable qualitative explanations for most of the significant variations in 2 limate over geologic time;1 they can be largely attributed to specific processes, not to unknown internal oscillations. Many of the major climatic changes can be traced to changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun (Hays et al. Science, 194, 1976, pg. 1121). Others can be linked to specific events (such as the impact of a comet or meteorite or the assembly or breakup of supercontinents) that led to large changes in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases.For more recent times (the past millennium), scientists have been able to quantitatively attribute the major temperature fluctuations to changes in solar activity, volcanic eruptions, and human-produced greenhouse gases and particulate pollution. These natural processes can not explain the current warming. Argument 3: The Medie val Warm Period disproves global warming The current warming trend is analogous to the Medieval Warming Period (MWP). Since the MWP was obviously a natural event, the current warming is also likely caused by natural processes. The FactsThe Medieval Warm Period (MWP) refers to a relatively warm period lasting from about the 10th to the 14th century. 2 However, the initial evidence for the MWP was largely based on data3 gathered from Europe, and more recent analyses indicate that the MWP was not a global phenomenon. A number of reconstructions of millennium-scale global temperatures have indicated that the maximum globally averaged temperature during the MWP was not as extreme as present-day temperatures and that the warming was regional rather than global. Perhaps the most well-known of these is that of Michael Mann and colleagues (Nature, 392, 1998, pg. 779).Their reconstruction produced the so-called â€Å"hockey stick† graphic that contributed to this conclusion in the 2001 assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: â€Å"The†¦'Medieval Warm Period' appear(s) to have limited utility in describing trends in hemispheric or global mean temperature changes in past centuries. † The accuracy of the â€Å"hockey stick† graphic was widely discussed in the press when the Mann et al. methodology was criticized by McIntyre and McKitrick (Geophys. Res. Lettr, 32, 2005, pg. L03710). Less attention was given to subsequent studies, such as that of Moberg and colleagues (Nature, 433, 2005, pg. 13) and Osborn and Briffa (Science, 311, 2006, pg. 841) that were based on different, independent methodologies but reached conclusions similar to Mann. Observations of melting high altitude glaciers are perhaps even more telling. Andean glaciers that have been intact for more than 5,000 years are now rapidly melting (Thompson et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. , 103, 2006, pg. 10536). If the MWP was truly global, these glaciers would not have sur vived. More generally, it is a logical fallacy to argue that because the climate has changed in the past due to natural causes, the current warming trend must also be due to natural causes.The debate over the magnitude and causes of earlier climate change such as the MWP is of scientific interest, but it does not invalidate the considerable direct scientific evidence that human-produced greenhouse gases have been causing the Earth to warm recently. Argument 4: Recent predictions of a new ice age disprove global warming In the 1970s climate scientists were saying an ice age was imminent. Now they say the Earth is warming. They don’t know what they are talking about. The FactsThe Earth’s climate for the past 2 million years has been characterized by ice ages lasting close to 100,000 years, punctuated by relatively short (10,000- to 30,000-year) warm periods or â€Å"interglacials. † The swing from glacial to interglacial is caused by changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun amplified by natural feedbacks involving greenhouse gases (Hays et al. Science, 194, 1976, pg. 1121). The Earth entered the present interglacial about 10,000 years ago. All things being equal (i. e. , in the absence of a large human-produced source of CO2) it is highly likely that the Earth will swing back into a glacial period or ice age.But this will not occur for thousands of years. 3 As early as the 19th century, scientists recognized that greenhouse gases warm the planet, and that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide could lead to global warming on time scales of decades to centuries—much shorter than the fluctuations related to ice ages and interglacials. Around the same time, global temperatures began to increase and scientists became increasingly concerned that humans were interfering with the climate. In the 1950s the upward trend in global temperatures unexpectedly halted and temperatures declined somewhat.This led some scientists to become c oncerned about global cooling and, in turn, to headlines in the popular press about an imminent ice age. What the skeptics fail to admit is that within the scientific literature—as opposed to the popular press—global warming remained a serious concern. Many scientists of the time argued that whatever the cause of the cooling, natural or otherwise, it would be eventually overshadowed by the warming effect of carbon dioxide. In 1979, the National Academy of Sciences warned that a doubling of carbon dioxide would increase global temperatures by 1. 5 to 4. oC (Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment, NAS Press, 1979) and shortly thereafter a resumption of the upward trend in temperatures was detected. Over the past quarter century, scientific research on global climate change has intensified, and programs on an international scale have been organized. More and more data are included in computer models that are capable of recreating past trends and more precisel y predicting future scenarios. We now know that the mid-20th century pause in global warming was caused by pollution from burning coal, which produced tiny particles or aerosols that blocked the energy from the sun.As aerosol emissions were controlled but greenhouse gas pollution continued to increase, the cooling effect of the aerosols was overwhelmed by the greenhouse gases, and global warming resumed. Argument 5: Scientists cannot â€Å"prove† current warming is not natural Climate scientists can not prove that the current warming is not due to natural processes and therefore can not claim with certainty that the warming is due to human interference. The Facts It is of course true that, in a complex system like climate, it is virtually impossible to prove a negative; i. e. that natural processes are not causing the current warming. What we can do is eliminate every possible natural explanation that can be posited. Thermodynamics tells us that the warming of the Earthâ€⠄¢s lower atmosphere must arise from one or more processes that supply excess heat to the lower atmosphere. Besides the greenhouse effect, the viable processes are (1) increased output from the sun; (2) increased absorption of heat from the sun due to a change in the Earth’s planetary reflectivity or â€Å"albedo†; and (3) an internal variation in the climate system that transfers heat from one part of the Earth to the atmosphere.Direct observations confirm that none of these explains the observed warming over the latter half of the 20th century. For example there has been no appreciable change in solar output over the past two decades (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Change in solar output from 1980 to 2005. Figure 1 shows the relative change in solar output determined from two of satellite measurements over a two-decade period. The data show variability in solar output corresponding to the 11-year sunspot cycle, but no secular trend. Source: After Lean and Froelich, 2006. 4 Satellite data reveal that the Earth’s reflectivity increased (causing cooling instead of warming) in the ’60’s, ‘70s, and early ‘80s and has decreased modestly since. 4 The overall warming from the recent decrease in reflectivity is also small compared to the greenhouse warming. In the case of internal variations, the ocean is the only viable reservoir of internal heat that could have caused the atmosphere to warm on decadal time-scales. However, observations show that the heat content of the ocean has increased instead of decreased over the past few decades (See Figure 2).This indicates that the atmosphere has been a source of heat to the ocean rather than vice versa. Moreover, the amount of heat increase in the ocean is consistent with what is needed to balance the Earth’s energy budget given the excess heating from the enhanced greenhouse effect and the amount of excess heat observed to be stored in the atmosphere (Hansen et al. Science, 3 08, 2005, pg. 1431). In other words, the amount of heat stored in the ocean over recent years matches the amount of heat that models predict should be trapped on Earth due to the increase in greenhouse gases. Figure 2.Change in heat content of ocean 1955 to 2005 Source: After Levitus et al. 2005. FIGURE 2 SHOWS THE RELATIVE CHANGE IN THE HEAT COTENT OF THE OCEAN FROM 1955 TO 2005 BASED ON A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF OCEAN TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS. THE DATA SHOW SHORT TERM VARIABILITY BUT A CLEAR UPWARD TREND ON DECADAL TIME-SCALES. Conclusion †¢ The Medieval Warm Period does not represent an analogy to the warming of the late 20th century, for which scientists have independent evidence of human causation, and the evidence strongly suggests that the MWP was a regional, rather than a global phenomenon. Our understanding of the climate system is sufficient to provide qualitative models for most global or hemispheric climatic variations over geologic history and quantitative models for variations over the past millennium. †¢ The Earth’s climate may return to ice age conditions in thousands of years, but this does not preclude devastating effects from global warming over the next few centuries. 5 †¢ All known natural explanations for the current global warming trend have been eliminated by direct observations.The human-intensified greenhouse effect provides the only quantitative explanation for the current warming trend. About the authors Dr. Wang received his doctorate from Harvard University and works as a climate scientist at Environmental Defense. He has published several peer-reviewed papers on the global methane budget and was the author of â€Å"The Latest Myths and Facts on Global Warming,† which was read into the congressional record by Senator John McCain in 2005. The report is available at http://www. undoit. org/pdfs/mythsvfacts. pdf. Dr. Chameides, chief scientist at Environmental Defense, is a member of the U.S. National A cademy of Sciences and has been named a National Associate of the National Academies. He is also an American Geophysical Union Fellow, and has received the American Geophysical Union's Macelwane Award. Dr. Chameides has served as editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research and is the author or coauthor of more than 120 scientific publications and five books. He received his doctorate from Yale University. The explanations are qualitative instead of quantitative because we do not have quantitative data from these events in the distant past to construct their exact histories. It has been suggested based on temperature reconstructions and model simulations that the MWP may have been caused by increased solar activity or a dearth of volcanic activity. 3 th Because worldwide temperature measurements do not exist before the 19 century, temperature records before th the 19 century are based on reconstructions of the temperature from the variations in temperature-sensitive proxies (e. g. , tree rings, isotopes in ice cores). 4 These variations are possibly due to changes in the concentrations of atmospheric aerosols produced from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass. 1 6 Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? A REVIEW OF THE FACTS APRIL 2007 AUTHORS James Wang, Ph. D. Bill Chameides, Ph. D. Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? The case for attributing the recent global warming to human activities rests on the following undisputed scientific facts: †¢ Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that warms the atmosphere. †¢ Since pre-industrial times, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased from about 280 parts per million (ppm) to over 380 ppm.Current concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases are unprecedented in at least the last 650,000 years, based on records from gas bubbles trapped in polar ice. †¢ Independent measurements demonstrate that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere comes from burning fossil fuels and forests. The isotopic composition of carbon from these sources contains a unique â€Å"fingerprint. † †¢ Since pre-industrial times, global average temperatures have increased by about 0. 7? C , with about half of the warming occurring over the past few decades. The only quantitative and internally consistent explanation for the recent global warming includes the intensified greenhouse effect caused by the increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The U. S. National Academy of Sciences—the independent organization of the country’s most renowned scientists established by Congress to advise the nation on scientific and technical issues—has concluded: â€Å"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. Some argue that the recent global warming is due to natural fluctuations and not to human activities. This argument and its fallacies are discussed below. Argument 1: CO2 is not coming from human activities CO2 has natural sources: volcanoes for example. All animals exhale it. How can human activities be affecting the concentration of CO2 on a global scale? The Facts Natural processes e mit large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, but they also remove it—at nearly identical rates.This balance maintained the concentration of CO2 at a stable level for thousands of years prior to the Industrial Revolution. In the case of global warming, the question is: What is causing the increase in CO2 concentrations? The answer turns out to be incontrovertible. The isotopic composition of carbon in atmospheric CO2 provides a unique â€Å"fingerprint† that tells scientists that the lion’s share of the additional CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere is from the burning of fossil fuels. Argument 2: No one really knows why the climate variesThe global climate has fluctuated considerably over the Earth’s history, either for unknown reasons or because of â€Å"internal variability† in the climate system. We do not know enough about the climate system to attribute the present global warming to any specific cause. The Facts It is true that the Earthâ⠂¬â„¢s climate has exhibited wide swings over geologic time due to natural processes. However, scientists have reasonable qualitative explanations for most of the significant variations in 2 limate over geologic time;1 they can be largely attributed to specific processes, not to unknown internal oscillations. Many of the major climatic changes can be traced to changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun (Hays et al. Science, 194, 1976, pg. 1121). Others can be linked to specific events (such as the impact of a comet or meteorite or the assembly or breakup of supercontinents) that led to large changes in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases.For more recent times (the past millennium), scientists have been able to quantitatively attribute the major temperature fluctuations to changes in solar activity, volcanic eruptions, and human-produced greenhouse gases and particulate pollution. These natural processes can not explain the current warming. Argument 3: The Medie val Warm Period disproves global warming The current warming trend is analogous to the Medieval Warming Period (MWP). Since the MWP was obviously a natural event, the current warming is also likely caused by natural processes. The FactsThe Medieval Warm Period (MWP) refers to a relatively warm period lasting from about the 10th to the 14th century. 2 However, the initial evidence for the MWP was largely based on data3 gathered from Europe, and more recent analyses indicate that the MWP was not a global phenomenon. A number of reconstructions of millennium-scale global temperatures have indicated that the maximum globally averaged temperature during the MWP was not as extreme as present-day temperatures and that the warming was regional rather than global. Perhaps the most well-known of these is that of Michael Mann and colleagues (Nature, 392, 1998, pg. 779).Their reconstruction produced the so-called â€Å"hockey stick† graphic that contributed to this conclusion in the 2001 assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: â€Å"The†¦'Medieval Warm Period' appear(s) to have limited utility in describing trends in hemispheric or global mean temperature changes in past centuries. † The accuracy of the â€Å"hockey stick† graphic was widely discussed in the press when the Mann et al. methodology was criticized by McIntyre and McKitrick (Geophys. Res. Lettr, 32, 2005, pg. L03710). Less attention was given to subsequent studies, such as that of Moberg and colleagues (Nature, 433, 2005, pg. 13) and Osborn and Briffa (Science, 311, 2006, pg. 841) that were based on different, independent methodologies but reached conclusions similar to Mann. Observations of melting high altitude glaciers are perhaps even more telling. Andean glaciers that have been intact for more than 5,000 years are now rapidly melting (Thompson et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. , 103, 2006, pg. 10536). If the MWP was truly global, these glaciers would not have sur vived. More generally, it is a logical fallacy to argue that because the climate has changed in the past due to natural causes, the current warming trend must also be due to natural causes.The debate over the magnitude and causes of earlier climate change such as the MWP is of scientific interest, but it does not invalidate the considerable direct scientific evidence that human-produced greenhouse gases have been causing the Earth to warm recently. Argument 4: Recent predictions of a new ice age disprove global warming In the 1970s climate scientists were saying an ice age was imminent. Now they say the Earth is warming. They don’t know what they are talking about. The FactsThe Earth’s climate for the past 2 million years has been characterized by ice ages lasting close to 100,000 years, punctuated by relatively short (10,000- to 30,000-year) warm periods or â€Å"interglacials. † The swing from glacial to interglacial is caused by changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun amplified by natural feedbacks involving greenhouse gases (Hays et al. Science, 194, 1976, pg. 1121). The Earth entered the present interglacial about 10,000 years ago. All things being equal (i. e. , in the absence of a large human-produced source of CO2) it is highly likely that the Earth will swing back into a glacial period or ice age.But this will not occur for thousands of years. 3 As early as the 19th century, scientists recognized that greenhouse gases warm the planet, and that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide could lead to global warming on time scales of decades to centuries—much shorter than the fluctuations related to ice ages and interglacials. Around the same time, global temperatures began to increase and scientists became increasingly concerned that humans were interfering with the climate. In the 1950s the upward trend in global temperatures unexpectedly halted and temperatures declined somewhat.This led some scientists to become c oncerned about global cooling and, in turn, to headlines in the popular press about an imminent ice age. What the skeptics fail to admit is that within the scientific literature—as opposed to the popular press—global warming remained a serious concern. Many scientists of the time argued that whatever the cause of the cooling, natural or otherwise, it would be eventually overshadowed by the warming effect of carbon dioxide. In 1979, the National Academy of Sciences warned that a doubling of carbon dioxide would increase global temperatures by 1. 5 to 4. oC (Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment, NAS Press, 1979) and shortly thereafter a resumption of the upward trend in temperatures was detected. Over the past quarter century, scientific research on global climate change has intensified, and programs on an international scale have been organized. More and more data are included in computer models that are capable of recreating past trends and more precisel y predicting future scenarios. We now know that the mid-20th century pause in global warming was caused by pollution from burning coal, which produced tiny particles or aerosols that blocked the energy from the sun.As aerosol emissions were controlled but greenhouse gas pollution continued to increase, the cooling effect of the aerosols was overwhelmed by the greenhouse gases, and global warming resumed. Argument 5: Scientists cannot â€Å"prove† current warming is not natural Climate scientists can not prove that the current warming is not due to natural processes and therefore can not claim with certainty that the warming is due to human interference. The Facts It is of course true that, in a complex system like climate, it is virtually impossible to prove a negative; i. e. that natural processes are not causing the current warming. What we can do is eliminate every possible natural explanation that can be posited. Thermodynamics tells us that the warming of the Earthâ€⠄¢s lower atmosphere must arise from one or more processes that supply excess heat to the lower atmosphere. Besides the greenhouse effect, the viable processes are (1) increased output from the sun; (2) increased absorption of heat from the sun due to a change in the Earth’s planetary reflectivity or â€Å"albedo†; and (3) an internal variation in the climate system that transfers heat from one part of the Earth to the atmosphere.Direct observations confirm that none of these explains the observed warming over the latter half of the 20th century. For example there has been no appreciable change in solar output over the past two decades (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Change in solar output from 1980 to 2005. Figure 1 shows the relative change in solar output determined from two of satellite measurements over a two-decade period. The data show variability in solar output corresponding to the 11-year sunspot cycle, but no secular trend. Source: After Lean and Froelich, 2006. 4 Satellite data reveal that the Earth’s reflectivity increased (causing cooling instead of warming) in the ’60’s, ‘70s, and early ‘80s and has decreased modestly since. 4 The overall warming from the recent decrease in reflectivity is also small compared to the greenhouse warming. In the case of internal variations, the ocean is the only viable reservoir of internal heat that could have caused the atmosphere to warm on decadal time-scales. However, observations show that the heat content of the ocean has increased instead of decreased over the past few decades (See Figure 2).This indicates that the atmosphere has been a source of heat to the ocean rather than vice versa. Moreover, the amount of heat increase in the ocean is consistent with what is needed to balance the Earth’s energy budget given the excess heating from the enhanced greenhouse effect and the amount of excess heat observed to be stored in the atmosphere (Hansen et al. Science, 3 08, 2005, pg. 1431). In other words, the amount of heat stored in the ocean over recent years matches the amount of heat that models predict should be trapped on Earth due to the increase in greenhouse gases. Figure 2.Change in heat content of ocean 1955 to 2005 Source: After Levitus et al. 2005. FIGURE 2 SHOWS THE RELATIVE CHANGE IN THE HEAT COTENT OF THE OCEAN FROM 1955 TO 2005 BASED ON A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF OCEAN TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS. THE DATA SHOW SHORT TERM VARIABILITY BUT A CLEAR UPWARD TREND ON DECADAL TIME-SCALES. Conclusion †¢ The Medieval Warm Period does not represent an analogy to the warming of the late 20th century, for which scientists have independent evidence of human causation, and the evidence strongly suggests that the MWP was a regional, rather than a global phenomenon. Our understanding of the climate system is sufficient to provide qualitative models for most global or hemispheric climatic variations over geologic history and quantitative models for variations over the past millennium. †¢ The Earth’s climate may return to ice age conditions in thousands of years, but this does not preclude devastating effects from global warming over the next few centuries. 5 †¢ All known natural explanations for the current global warming trend have been eliminated by direct observations.The human-intensified greenhouse effect provides the only quantitative explanation for the current warming trend. About the authors Dr. Wang received his doctorate from Harvard University and works as a climate scientist at Environmental Defense. He has published several peer-reviewed papers on the global methane budget and was the author of â€Å"The Latest Myths and Facts on Global Warming,† which was read into the congressional record by Senator John McCain in 2005. The report is available at http://www. undoit. org/pdfs/mythsvfacts. pdf. Dr. Chameides, chief scientist at Environmental Defense, is a member of the U.S. National A cademy of Sciences and has been named a National Associate of the National Academies. He is also an American Geophysical Union Fellow, and has received the American Geophysical Union's Macelwane Award. Dr. Chameides has served as editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research and is the author or coauthor of more than 120 scientific publications and five books. He received his doctorate from Yale University. The explanations are qualitative instead of quantitative because we do not have quantitative data from these events in the distant past to construct their exact histories. It has been suggested based on temperature reconstructions and model simulations that the MWP may have been caused by increased solar activity or a dearth of volcanic activity. 3 th Because worldwide temperature measurements do not exist before the 19 century, temperature records before th the 19 century are based on reconstructions of the temperature from the variations in temperature-sensitive proxies (e. g. , tree rings, isotopes in ice cores). 4 These variations are possibly due to changes in the concentrations of atmospheric aerosols produced from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass. 1 6

Monday, September 16, 2019

Great Lakes

The North American great lakes including Lake Erie, Michigan, Huron, Superior, and Ontario. Lake Huron is the 3rd largest lake out of all five of them. It measures at 850 cubic meters of water; it extends to about 3,827 miles, measures at 206 miles across, and about 183 miles north to south. The average water depth in this huge lake is 195 ft. These lakes are the largest fresh water supply and home to many of the world’s wildlife. For several years the Great Lakes have served as a dumping ground for many harmful pollutants. Damage from drain pipes and industrial waste produce harmful conditions for the fish, wildlife, and humans dwelling in the surrounding area of the region. Countless people wouldn’t believe so because this is a second home place to many, many families and they travel to this area for their summer vacations. As people travel to the Great Lakes, perhaps they can all see the true of how mistreated these stunning lakes are. The first major source of pollution comes from point source pollution. Point source pollution is simply a direct source of pollution such as a pipe or other vessels. Earlier age industrial companies, such as pulp and paper were located right on the outskirts of the Great Lakes. They were dumping tons of waste including mercury into the water. Some of this polluting was done involuntarily with the malfunctioning of these pipes or vessels. However, some of this pollution was intentional from them thinking that anything would dissolve in the waters and â€Å"neutralize†. Pathogens are another source of pollution to the Great Lakes. Pathogens refer to bacterial organisms found in the intestinal tracts of mammals. Nutrient sources include municipal wastewater treatment plants, septic systems, and agricultural runoffs. There are three major areas which are Saginaw Bay, Severn Sound, and the southeastern shore of Lake Huron Basin. Pathogens have had such an impact on Lake Huron that it had beach closings in these regions due to the findings of E. coli contaminations. Another form of pollution to the Great Lakes is fecal matters. It is believed that fecal matters infested the lakes by sewage. Sewage is known to having some of the most harmful bacteria’s. Putting these bacteria’s into the waters it’s not only polluting them but it’s also making the water quality decline and the bacteria growth will continue to increase (Shear 2006). Air-bound pesticides and fertilizer runoffs are both involuntary forms of pollutants to the Great Lakes. These types of pollutants are deposited into the lakes by the inadvertency of the environment. Testing the tissues of fish and mussels can determine the level of contaminate residing in the waters. Lindane, Dieldrin, Tozaphene, and Chlor-diphhenyl-tichloroethane (DDT) are some of the main harmful substances found in the water (Agency for toxic Substances and Disease registry 1997). Since 1990, Toxaphene has been prohibited yet traces of it still remain. Figure 1 These are all of the pollutants found in the Great Lakes that were reported to Congress. Figure 2 These are the four concentrations of pollutants compared to biomass. Figure 3 This shows the levels of Toxaphene concentration increases, the biomass decreases and vice versa. For humans, interactions with these types of pollutants are extremely likely. You can reach all of the pollutants by simply going to the shorelines. Eating contaminated fish, or wildlife, in pathogen-contaminated waters, can cause infections and stomach disorders. Polluted beaches result in loss of utility for those who have planned to visit or swim in the water; that in turn impacts local economies in the form of lost tourist dollars and the jobs they support (The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) 2012). Tourists enjoy coming there to do activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and boating. Tourism ensures jobs for the many people that live close to the lakes. Many families rely on fishing to feed their families’. This is why caution must be used when eating the fish in Lake Huron. Lake Huron, along with the other Great Lakes, are very important to us. They are our main source of fresh water in the United States. The government is regulating chemicals and other harmful substances that could affect the Great Lakes. Getting laws passed like the Clean Water Act, recognizes the importance of preserving the Americans waters. Thankfully we have groups like NRDC whose main goal is to make sure that Lake Huron, and the other Great Lakes, stays safe for fishing, swimming, and boating. APA Citation Page Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). (2012). The impact of beach pollution. Retrieved from Shear, H. (2006). The Great Lakes, an Ecosystem Rehabilitated, but Still Under Threat. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment113: 199 -225 United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2012). The effects of Great Lakes contaminants on human health. Retrieved from U.S. Environmental Protections Agency. Clean Water Act, July 2006. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ToxFAQs for Toxaphene. Sept. 1997.